The Slow Food USA movement is a very important issue to all
of us in or out of the Food Industry. Slow Food celebrates food
traditions in North America through many programs. We and Slow
Food believe that we can enjoy food and even life itself more if we slow down and rekindle interest in the food we eat.
Slow Food was recently at Nora's Wine Bar in Summerlin. Chefs Giovanni and Marcello Mauro are
very involved in creating unique , authentic dishes that support
local sustainable food. This is what Slow Food is all about. Saving Wild Salmon was the focus of the brunch held at Nora's .
We got quite an education from Paul Johnson of the Monterrey Fish Market in San Francisco as well as Bobby Hayden and Joseph Bogaard
from Save our Wild Salmon in Seattle Washington.
Many people think of Nevada as a desert with not much life. But we are so wrong in thinking that. Nevada was once home to abundant Wild
Salmon and Steelhead. Four Rivers in northern Nevada once supported
many runs of these fish
Dams over the years put an end to salmon migration and thus the large salmon runs of the past. Today only about 2 % of Historic salmon runs remain. Salmon and Stealhead are as much apart of our western heritage as Elk and big horn sheep.
Slow Food Las Vegas is spreading the word about the disappearance of wild salmon from Northern Nevada. This is a very tragic loss but as we found out , it can be reversed. To find out how you can help and more information please go to After quite an education we were
treated with some wonderful Wild Salmon dishes to celebrate our
Western Heritage.
Nora's started us off with some lovely Salmon Entrees:
Salmon Benedict , Crepes with Salmon mouse , Salmon salad over puff pastry , Roasted potatoes and Pear and radicchio slaw The brunch continued on with a
Cheese Course that consisted of :
Smoked Salmon
Robiola Bosina
Podda Classico
and Crucolo.
Of Course no brunch at Nora's would be complete with out desert. The Melon salad , Panna cotta with poached quince and bread pudding was a great finish to an educational and informative presentation about Wild Salmon.
For more information please go to
Join VINO LAS VEGAS as we learn what we can do to help restore the Wild Salmon runs in the Western United States.
Tom from Slow Foods added the following :
"As you may know, Slow Food Las Vegas, a food advocacy organization, recently teamed up with Save Our Wild Salmon and Nora's Wine Bar and Osteria to celebrate and educate people about Nevada's historic wild salmon heritage.
Paul discussed how the federal mismanagement of salmon-producing watersheds has led to a coastal salmon crisis and urged attendees to "vote with your fork"; that by choosing wild salmon you create market demand for good policy decisions that lead to wild salmon recovery. Bobby highlighted the issues facing Columbia and Snake River salmon and the opportunities in the coming months. Both underscored Nevada's salmon heritage and Nevada's key role in salmon recovery. Take the Next StepThe rivers of northern Nevada once teemed with wild salmon, providing food to local communities and vital nutrients to the surrounding ecosystem. With the right leadership in Congress, Nevada can again enjoy this regional resource and reclaim their rightful place as a Pacific salmon state.
This special salmon brunch is only the beginning. Please help continue this effort by making a quick call today.Contact the offices of Senator Reid, Senator Ensign, and the rest of Nevada's Congressional delegation.
It only takes a moment to let your voice be heard - one quick phone call can make a big difference. Senator Harry Reid - 202-224-3542 Senator John Ensign - 202-224-6244 Congresswoman Shelley Berkley - 202-225-5965Congresswoman-elect Dina Titus - 702-256-3462 Congressman Dean Heller - 202-225-6155 Ask them to protect and restore an endangered national treasure and one of Nevada's key heritage foods - wild Pacific salmon from the Columbia & Snake Rivers - by supporting legislation to remove the 4 lower Snake River dams, and replace them with clean, salmon-friendly alternatives.
For more information on Nevada's wild salmon heritage, please visit: Food Las Vegas and Save Our Wild Salmon are planning to work together in 2009. We need you help! Please contact me for more information about how to get involved in this exciting project. "
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